I graduated TBI on May 7. I may be going back for a second year. I for a while was very confident that this was the direction that God was leading me but as of recently I have not been so sure. Please pray that I’ll make the right decisions.
Since Ive graduated from TBI I’ve been diligently working on repairing my room which was literally falling apart. Drywalling, painting and carpeting. The tasks have be arduous but the end is in sight. Praise God! If i had a digital camera i could inform you all on the progress pictorally.
Other than that I have just kind of been helping out around the house and kind of moaning about having no job or no car but God is faithful and will make a way but I have got to get busy.
If the Lord ever puts me on your heart please pray for me as I will for you all.
Congratulations on your graduation!!!
listen homie iam here in texas i dont have you number or email…so please call me
you should know my number playa…765.414.2846