“Never return evil for evil or insult for insult (scolding, tongue-lashing, berating), but on the contrary blessing [praying for their welfare, happiness, and protection, and truly pitying and loving them]. For know that to this you have been called, that you may yourselves inherit a blessing [from God–that you may obtain a blessing as heirs, bringing welfare and happiness and protection].”-I Pet 3:9 AMP
This verse is one that was in my spirit today
What really stood out to me is this
…Truly pitying and loving them…
We need this in today’s society and culture. So many of us know that we’re so right that we can never possibly be wrong. What is the Lord’s heart? Even if we are completely right in our stance do we conform to truth? What does the word teach? How are we to a maintain strict standard of truth and purity without compromises and apart from a judgemental heart?
…truly pity and love…
There are many in our spheres of influence who are under the power of the enemy and are perishing in our sight yet there will be no possibility for their salvation if someone does not allow the Love (not merely the righteousness) of Christ flow through them. The honest answer is that we cannot maintain. We cannot keep it up. But Christ in us can. This is not something that can be done in our strength but as we look to the Lord he fills us with His Spirit and vision. We see through new eyes. I want this.
I need the Lord of glory fill me with His Love continually. Have your way Lord.
No kidding! I learned that just recently in two unrelated situations. In one it dawned on me to pray for blessings and favor for the company I work with, instead of complaining about the way its beeing operated because we have no funding and have limited options. I dont know why it took me so long to get that.
In the other situation I was completly drained of my composure and became just as bitter as the other person involved. I didnt feel like myself anymore and I didnt want to become the person I saw myself transforming into. That situation needed to change and thank God everyone around me felt the same! I learned the limitations of my strengths and the power of my weaknesses. I learned to forgive anyway and to ask for forgivness even knowing I had the right to stand up for myself and demand change. Also asking forgivness for allowing my heart to harden and my character to change.God is so good. Even in all that he answered my prayers almost immediately. I cant remember the last time I felt myself loosing control.
When you start to pray for your “enemies” you find yourself thinking about them in a different light. When you give your weeknesses to God, God can be God and you find yourself being the person God wants you to be.
Great post here Verious ! Loving beyon d our understanding …. touching the untouchable ….. showing mercy to the merciless . We can only do these thing by the Spirit of God . As we die to ourselves ….. His heart and compassion come and He lives in us and has HIS way . Wonderful ! …………………..and you WILL see his Kingdom come ! I believe you will see angels accending and desending …… i believe one day you will carry somuch of his presence that werever you go you will experience an open heaven and the favor of God . Only continue to empty yourself and make youself available . I already see the heart of Christ in you and a broken and contrite spirit towards the lost soul . God will use you brother ! You will have an impact on your generation !
Hey Brother,
Good words of wisdom. So as you have seen I have a new girlfriend and I am pumped. The Lord is blessing me sooo much lately it is amazing. Adrienne and I are having so much fun- in the peace and joy of the Lord. ttyl
Thanks man! i appreciate it.
Hi Verious ! How are you doing brother ?