I’ve been swamped with homework and dont want to fall behind so i have not been posting whatsoever. But I do appreciate your continued prayers. I’ll be praying for you. I now know one of the reasons the Lord Has put me in the Visual Communications program Here at AIU Houston. It’s to break me of the spirit of laziness!
I have been feeling as if i’m running a 10K or something. You know how it is when you’re running and you’re out of breath yet you know you can’t stop. That’s about how i’ve been feeling in these moments. “Don’t stop” “Only a few kilometers left”. It’s only week 4 of 11! He who endures till the end…
I have also been involved with the move. It’s getting closer. We’ve had our interview with the Apartment Life Ministries Regional Manager And now its only a matter of time before placement. I’ve just been wondering in my heart where the Lord will place my roomate and I and what community we’ll be ministering to. I know it’s gonna be a blessing.
Several things I thankful for right now are:
~The grace of the Lord and how He has promised to bring to perfection what He has started in us
~How even in the midst of my own frustration the Lord is there to comfort me, lead me out of my selfishnes and confusion and into His Presence
~The process – even though the process is painfull at times His grace leads us through. Im reminded of a line of poetry the Lord once gave me that goes like this:
“The process is painful,
The purging is thorough,
And only can grace see you through.
To be a vessel of honor,
Purged and formed by the Master,
Like Him who is faithful and true.”
Thanks again for the prayers and love.
God Bless.