Jesus left the gift of peace to each of His diaciples. On the night that the Lord was betrayed he spoke to his disciples and told them.. "Do not let your hearts be troubled neither let them be afraid" Being Troubled and afraid is always a choice. We have the choice to continue to rest in His peace or allow fear to overtake us. "And the peace of God which passes all understanding will gaurd your hearts and minds…" The very reason it is peace that passes all understanding is because we don't always need to understand in order to access this peace. We receive it by faith and simple trust in the One who holds all things by the word of His Power. Peace be to you.#GodsPeace #Rest #PonderThis #Peace

Jesus left the gift of peace to each of His diaciples.  On the night that the Lord was betrayed he spoke to his disciples and told them.. "Do not let your hearts be troubled neither let them be afraid" Being Troubled and afraid is always a choice.  We have the choice to continue to rest in His peace or allow fear to overtake us. "And the peace of God which passes all understanding will gaurd your hearts and minds..." The very reason it is peace that passes all understanding is because we don't always need to understand in order to access this peace.  We receive it by faith and simple trust in the One who holds all things by the word of His Power. Peace be to you.#GodsPeace #Rest #PonderThis #Peace
Jesus left the gift of peace to each of His diaciples. On the night that the Lord was betrayed he spoke to his disciples and told them.. "Do not let your hearts be troubled neither let them be afraid" Being Troubled and afraid is always a choice. We have the choice to continue to rest in His peace or allow fear to overtake us. "And the peace of God which passes all understanding will gaurd your hearts and minds…" The very reason it is peace that passes all understanding is because we don't always need to understand in order to access this peace. We receive it by faith and simple trust in the One who holds all things by the word of His Power. Peace be to you.#GodsPeace #Rest #PonderThis #Peace


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