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All else in life is but a shadow of You.
Every joy, every pleasure every love that’s pursued.
They cannot fulfill but reflect utter truth.
All else in life is but a shadow of You.
We think they fulfill so we seek them in vain.
Yet the only true Source we displace and disclaim.
They crush us and flee and break down when they’re through.
All else in life is but a shadow of You.
We pour out our hearts and our lives become spent.
We trample and trod the true grace that You’ve sent.
Yet they fail and forsake us and leave our lives bent.
All else in life is but a shadow of You.
Why do we fall for the trap and why constant deceived?
Why do we live for untruth that’s so firmly believed?
When the One who is for us has arms to receive…
All else in life is but a shadow of You.
You’re the Source and fulfillment of our highest of dreams.
You’re the One Who’s before us When life’s not what it seems.
You’re the Comfort awaiting when our live’s filled with pain.
All else in life is but a shadow of You.

TO: The Love of My Life & The Joy of My Heart, Jesus.

© Verious Smith III, Mar. 23, 2013

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