Temperance means – moderation or self-restraint.This word that has fallen out of use in our day and age but to the one who loves discipline it is an experience of life.Who loves discipline?  The bible gives us the answer:  those who are wise.The one who can truly get a hold of himself has overcome HIS hugest barrier to succeeding at anything he purposes to do.#fitnessphysique #fitfam #gym #ThoughtForToday #love

Temperance means - moderation or self-restraint.This word that has fallen out of use in our day and age but to the one who loves discipline it is an experience of life.Who loves discipline?  The bible gives us the answer:  those who are wise.The one who can truly get...

The choice that will make and break each malw is whether or not he will truly to be a man. Not a man as defined by our current society but a loving and Christlike man who understands personal accountability and responsibility. A man not defined by a self centered life butone who is selfless and ready to lay down his life for a friend.I face this choice daily. Sometimes i fail miserably other times i succeed. Growth is what matters.#manup #manhood #growing up

The choice that will make and break each malw is whether or not he will truly to be a man. Not a man as defined by our current society but a loving and Christlike man who understands personal accountability and responsibility. A man not defined by a self centered life...