Sad.... But couldn't be more true at the moment....#CoffeeIsBae #SugarIsBae

Sad.... But couldn't be more true at the moment....#CoffeeIsBae #SugarIsBae
Sad.... But couldn't be more true at the moment....#CoffeeIsBae #SugarIsBae
@chrislema laying it down in Red Line Session One: "WordPress can change your life, if you let it." #WCLAX
I just met Dionne. She's an amazing project manager who is at WordCamp for the first time this weekend! Congrats D!! #WCLAX #SSH2
Never been to a WordCamp? Oh, you have no idea what you're missing... #WCLAX #SSH1
Late Dinner but im gonna enjoy hitting Macros today. - 2 Boneless Skinless Chicken Theighs 8 oz- Baby Broccoli & Onions sauteed in Coconut Oil- Cottage Cheese topped with Pico de GalloAll of this under 500 Calories & High in Protein #fitnessgoals #Fitness...
Big cooking mistake! Protein brownie fail!! It's gross but i'm gonna eat it. Guess i've learned my lesson. I'll find a better recipe next time. #CleanEating #Protein #gym #Fitness #FAIL #getripped
More protein today. I was running low. Yes, im serious about this.#Cellucor #Fitness #supplements #fitnessgoals #fitness_passion #fitfam #gym