Progress photo… This is post workout and im a bit bloated from eating carbs yesterday at a weight of 190 lbs and about 15 % BF… Looking to get to 10% BF and maintain on a Keto diet. #fitnessgoals #Fitness #weightloss #withings #progressnotperfection #progressphoto #photooftheday #igers #igdaily

Progress photo... This is post workout and im a bit bloated from eating carbs yesterday at a weight of 190 lbs and about 15 % BF... Looking to get to 10% BF and maintain on a Keto diet. #fitnessgoals #Fitness #weightloss #withings #progressnotperfection #progressphoto...

Work is work.Diligence can't be imitated in any endeavor in life. What a person sows that and that alone is what they will reap. – "The hand of the diligent will rule but the hand of the sluggard will be put to foced labor…" – "Go to the ant you sluggard, consider her ways and be wise…" There are things that i excel in and there are things in which u struggle. Diligence undergirds every activity in my life and to level at whichbi am diligent in that area i will be successful. Hard work will bring results!#fitnessgoals #fitfam #foodforthought #PonderThis #motivation #Encouragement #keepgoing

Work is work.Diligence can't be imitated in any endeavor in life. What a person sows that and that alone is what they will reap. - "The hand of the diligent will rule but the hand of the sluggard will be put to foced labor..." - "Go to the ant you...