In the past couple of days there have been many interesting developments in my life.  It has been like one big event after another. But God is faithful.

     First of all. I have been recently praying about a bible school I may be attending, if it be the Lord’s will, in september. On wednesday I was talking to the Pastor of the church I’ve been attending and was telling him about the Bible institute. As I was talking to him this conversation kind of turned into a meeting with the pastor the associate pastor’s and the head deacon of the church. Alot of things were talked about but some of the main points of the meeting and the questions i distinctly remember were:

“Verious what are your ambitions and aspirations in life, what do you want to do with your life?”

To that I answered what God has put in my heart:

 “I want to preach.”

The conversation continued with a statement from the pastor:

“I’ts one thing to want to preach but another to be called to preach.”

To this I remarked:

“I am called to preach.”

     We spoke of many things in this conversation and I am sure that they were all well intentioned in the advice that they gave me, which were along the lines of me getting a good trade and finding a wife and “getting my roots planted”.  And I’m not the one to spurn counsel and  walk in rebellion but I cannot deny the thing that God has put in my heart either. I would rather obey God than man.

     Now after this meeting I was somewhat beginning to think, “O.k. maybe I was not called to preach but my heart was not saying the same thing.”  In my heart the desire remained. So I called my pastor from the men’s bible study I’ve been attending for the past eight or so months and asked him, “Is it possible for me to have a desire to preach but not be called?”

To this he answered, “probable but highly unlikely.”

And then took me through the scriptures showing me how this could be.

Even greater than that though was the way God confirmed this the next day.

     I was sitting in the park in my town reading the book I’ve been reading lately when two boys, James (17) and Chris (13), came up on a four wheeler and began talking to me.  As we talked I felt the Lord’s leading to tell them about Him. So as God opened the door I began to tell them. The Lord led me to Psalm 27:9 and I began to tell them about His fatherly love. Even as we talked I could feel the anointing of His presence. when we finished talking I prayed for them, gave them my cell phone number and went home.

     When I got home got a call on my cell phone. It was James! He and his friend had called me back and said,”We were thinking about the words you were speaking and they were powerful (when they weren’t my words at all or anything about me but God’s presence).  And we just want to know how we can get to know this Man (the way they said it) you call God.”

     As soon as I got this call I was shouting for joy and praising God. I went immediately to meet them.  When I got there they had even brought a friend and I got to lead all three of them to Christ. Hallelujah!!!! God is faithful.

     Furthermore I was awakened this morning with a call from a close friend of mine and he told me that if I decided that TBI was the school God was leading me to that I did not have to worry about tuition because he was going to pay my entire tuition for me. Hallelujah!!!  GOD IS FAITHFUL! 


  1. Lindzmae

    Wow!  Praise God!  Those are the kind of testimonies that encourage our faith. Thanks for sharing and for your obedience! 

  2. Coroloro

    I feel very strongly about this particular thing- whether or not you are called to “preach” in the traditional sense, we are all called to teach and serve.  Now, I do not know where your spiritual gifts are, and those you spoke to know you better than I do- their advice is worth a lot more.  However, I do believe this- I believe God calls us by putting a desire in our hearts.  There are people who believe, also, that we do not have to feel a “divine call” to go into ministry- those that do.  I feel that your desire might be part of how God is calling you, and also seeing evidence of your gifts.  You should take the advice given you, but take it as one of several sources.  In the end, if you desire to pursue ministry, you should pursue it.  I think that the idea of “getting roots planted” bothers me- it makes me question the solid-ness of the advice given you, and wonder if the people advising you had some other motives.

    Firstly, the gift of singleness is valuable!  Paul says if you are able to be single without “burning with lust”- that is, if you do not have a lot of strong desires, then, remain single!  If you do, then you can marry, but wait for God’s timing- not man’s!  Their advice about getting married and rooted before pursuing ministry is NOT ALWAYS THE BEST, in fact I would lean towards saying that often it is the hardest route!  Sometimes it is probably the best, but is your situation one where it is really so?  Being married with a family makes it SO much harder to go to Bible college.  In fact, I highly recomend you pursue Bible college first- let a family come later.  God makes it clear that we are more able to minister single- and as a married man, I find that it does limit my freedom and ministry ability, even though there are other advantages that come with time.

    Based on what you have shared, I believe that you should not sit back and plant roots.  You should pursue the leading you have already received.  But most importantly, make sure you have a relationship with God that is growing- regular times with Him, and reading His word on your own.  Bible college won’t give you that, it will only shape what you already have.  By your post, you have done most in bringing people to Christ than I have, and I have gone to Bible College for a full four years.

    I hate to sound like I’m trying to get a pitch in- if you feel God directing you already, PLEASE go that way- but the college I attend, Columbia International University, is an incredible evangelical (that is, a combination of many Biblically centred denominations) college where the Spirit of God is moving.  Take a peek at if you feel like taking a look.  Wherever you go, please, don’t let that gift you have just fade away.  Follow God’s leading through prayer, guidance, and the Word.



  3. Coroloro

    PS- I just remember the earliest part of your entry, where you said you already had a college in mind.  If that is the place, then go there!  And let the desire to preach build- as you go to college and minister in church, you will see your gifts and with strong prayer God will guide you.

  4. pla2pus09

    Hello, my name is Tasha and I am a current LP at Teen Mania Ministries. As part of the “line” of those that wear the ring I am writing you on behalf of my finances. I am currently $1800 behind and have exhausted all my other resources. I am looking for 180 people who would be willing to give me $10. That is all I ask – $10. I am asking that you at least pray about this and let me know. If you would be willing to donate $10 PLEASE let me know as soon as possible. My number is 903-324-8979 or you can email me at [email protected]  Thank you so much for your consideration. May God bless your generosity.
    “The generous prosper and are satisfied; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed” ~~ Prov. 11:25


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