I was reading my xanga web digest today when a comment from one of my former Honor Academy colleagues and team member (a praya patna) struck a chord in my heart that God has been speaking to me about. The comment was this:
“So thats all the surface stuff, but what is really on my heart is hiphop…I watched a couple of videos over the last two days and I cant get them out of my mind, It’s disgusting the way the devil is using music so BLATANTLY to destroy this generation….I think the Lord is whetting my desire to get out there as soon as He wills it, and turn this tide for His glory. If you’ve never watched BET before and you dont understand what I am talking about, take a look, it is such an unreached missions field right here in America. God have mercy…”
And my response was as follows:
Wow, Natalie It has passed my thoughts a couple of times in that way but never in such a striking way as you just put it. The hip hop world is an unreached mission field. Now I know it may sound strange but as I Write this God has been taking me through a place where I am definitely seeking what He really has for me to do in this life. I want the life He has given me to count for eternal purposes. And providentially last night I sat up until 5:00 a.m reading about William Carey (who alot of people call the father of modern missions). Furthermore, I finished the whole book in the matter of about two days and am now reading : Through Gates of Splendor By:Elisabeth Elliot (the story of the 5 missionary martyrs to the auca indians). Even as i read about the men I am encouraged and challenged all the more to give my whole self and really become expendable for God but the only thing that doesn’t strike me is going to foreign land. Now, I believe that for future or long term plans God has called me to be a goer and I have always felt called to be a goer. This qoute even permeated my thoughts from the message that Mr. Hasz preached caled The Plan:”If a man is called to be a goer then let him not stoop to be a king.” The point that I’ve had a problem reconciling with is, “Can a person truly be a goer in his own land?” I mean how can you go to a place you already are. I know my reasoning may be flawed but I reason this way for fear that I may just be “trying to save my own life” by not going to some foreign land like afghanistan or other parts of the resistant belt (10/40 window). Or has God called me to the States? Whether to the 10/40 window or to the States I pray he would show me and his will would be done. Please pray that I would know it. Please forgive me for pouring out in this way but your comment sparked a thing that has been on my heart. If nothing else talk to you later friend of God.
I am yet truly unsure as to the specific leading of God in my life toward either area and ask you all to pray that His will would be made clear to me in these areas. And that I would be willing and surrendered to whatever His will is. I truly do appreciate and cherish all of your prayers and will also be praying for all who read this.
In Him,
Hey V,
I am so blessed that I was able to help you see something the Lord has been burning on my heart for so long. My true desire is not for ‘hiphop’ but REVIVAL! My gift is Evangelism, and I am called to reach out to those prostituting their lives with the gods of American pride, lust, and materialism…I believe that you will impact the world, it does not have to be limited to one country…I know I will see you again on the field one day…Be blessed brother