Hey, I was reading this letter I wrote a while back to my brother and sisters from the Honor Academy and I was really encouraged. I think if you will bear with it you will be encouraged also.


Here it is:


Date sent: 3-18-2003

Hello all,

     It is definately not good to hear about Ernesto.  I’m without much to say.  He was a part of Link Squad and to hear of his passing away seems shocking and almost unreal.  I will be in prayer for the rest of his family and his dad.  If any of you have not heard of what happened to Ernesto click—->> Here <<—for details.  If any of you get specifics on when there would be a funaral and where at please call me at – (979) 478 – 7146.

     I know it has been quite a while since I’ve had contact with you all.  For some of  it has been a longer time than for others.  I write this to all of you to say hello and let you know of my current home situations.  As of right now I am still residing at my home in Texas.  Although i have worked different places part – time I still have not gotten a full time job.  My main focus in this part of my life has been to watch over and help my widowed grandmother who just lost her husband  (my beloved Grandfather) Jan. 4th.  I have been around her house daily serving, doing such things as washing dishes, sweeping floors and driving her to town.  I truly feel God has placed me here for this moment though there are times when different voices tell me I should be…. In college now, somewhere else working full – time.  Please pray for me concerning this. 

     As for the church I now attend,  I have been going to the church I was so earnestly trying to avoid.  The same little baptist church I have atttended all of my life.I can practiclly see the Lord’s Spirit moving and changing that church.  I know He is.  After I got out of the Honor Academy I did not go there at all and made excuses that “I dont like it because they don’t have congregational worship and I don’t think i would be able to grow there.”  I  was running from it and God’s calling on my life.  So after a phone conversation with one of my friends from the Honor Academy I began to have total second thoughts.  I learned that the very excuses I had been using were the ones that kept me from growing because I had been acting evil and disobedient to God.  So after repenting I wrote a letter to my pastor at the baptist church and began attending it again.  And for the last five Sundays the worship has been amazing and God has just been touching all of our hearts.  Praise God! I know God has purposes for me there, and hearts He wants to touch through me but I must prove myself faithful first.

  This is a faithful saying: 

        For if we died with Him,
           We shall also live with Him. 
        If we endure,
           We shall also reign with Him.
        If we deny Him,
           He also will deny us. 
        If we are faithless,
           He remains faithful;
        He cannot deny Himself.  —2 Tim. 2:11 – 13

     As I look back on the past eight months all  I can see in my life is God’s faithfulness, His lovingkindness and His tendermercies (and I mean tender).  God has been commited to building character into me, his son.  Even though at times I find myself hedgeing on the hard  points such as humility, self – denial, and accountability.  All of these are the very things that make a desciple of Christ.  God is Faithful!  Even when we are ufaithful, uncommited, evil and in a backslidden state.  He always takes up the slack and will never leave you in the state He found you in because He loves you too much (I know this all too well).  All he asks is that we confess sin and walk in the light, once we do this He comes right along with a cup full of grace (Tit 2:11 – 13) and says, “drink this it will strengthen you.”  And we can go right along ready for whatever the world, the enemy, or the flesh has to throw at us.  Praise God for His Grace!

     I also want to write this to all of you guys to let you know that I will not be able to access the internet until about April 27th.  So no  e-mails that I recieve will be able to be read by me.  Not that we are in the habit of e-mailing like we did at teenmania (i.e., monolith, outlook) but you know what I mean.  I just ask that If it is something urgent you please call at – (979) 478 – 7146.  And If not so urgent you may write at: 9909 Johnson Rd.  Wallis, TX 77485.  I will be spendiing the time between now and April 27th. learning how to write by hand so a couple of youmay expect to recieve a letter or a card by mail.  To: Link, Kallah, Inside Out –  I miss all all of you guys and I just pray that one day (here on earth)we will all get the chance to come together and fellowship.  To: Covenant –   As soon as I get a new calling card I’ll be giving all of you guys a call.  Maybe we can set up an over the phone conference/room meeting.  To: Everyone else –  thanks for bearing with this Letter.  To: All –  Please pray for salvation in my household and the rest of my family.  

Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.  He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it. …The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen. —I Thess. 5:23,24,28



Upheld By His Power,

I Peter 1:3 – 5

– Verious B. Smith III –


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