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     Wow! it’s been such along time since I last logged anything on this weblog.  And there have been alot of different things going on on in my life since I did.  I try to retain brevity in outlining the major details of my life.  First of all, I’ve been working.  That’s right, praise God I got a job at the YMCA as a summer camp counselor over the 6 – 11 year old day camps.  And boy! are those kids bad or what! On the first day of camps I realized that i wouldn’t make it through this entire summer with complete sanity if I did not pray alot.  Most of the kids that I work with are going to be there the entire summer and really dont want to be there so this is a great opportunity i feel to minister to them through relationships.  Secondly I going to be going on a mission trip to mexico with a church out of Tomball, TX.  I wanted to go on a Teen Mania mission trip this summer but because of the job at the YMCA that was not possible.  But it just so happened that one week while i was in Tomball babysitting the son of the doctor that my mom works for, I was divinely brought into the company of the the youth leader of Tomball Bread of Life Church.  After she informed me of this mission trip to mexico and i saw that it fell on a weekend (the perfect time) I really felt God’s peace about and agreed to go.  June 26th – 29th is when the trip will take place, please pray for me and all the others who will be going.  Third, I have recently been living at my aunt’s house.  The reason being is that I still do not have a car and they live close to the YMCA and provide me transportation to and from work.

Please keep me in your prayers.  Some things that you can be praying for are:

! – salvation and revival in my family, my church and my life

! – God’s direction and His will concerning upcoming major decisions

! – God’s love to flow through me unhindered to others

     I’ll be praying for all of you saints out there.

– – God bless

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