Its been a while since I last posted anything on my site. Alot has happened since I last posted. There have been major events which have altered the way my family and I live from day to day. The biggest event that has brought about new temporal circumstances was the death of my grandfather on january 4th. As of right now, i do not have the time to fully inform you on what happened but I will be entering one of my journal entries to update you. There has been major emotional effects on all of my family members especially my grandmother to whom he was married 45 years and courted for 5. I have been with my grandmother helping and cleaning at her house and driving her around daily. Today we go to work on the renthouses only today unlike all other times my grandfather will not be there. Please be praying for my family members who drown away thier sorrows with liquor and different types of drugs. Pray that they would be loosed from bondage and trully experience the love of Christ. Pray also for me. In times such as these there is a certain dissillusionment with the truth that the enemy seeks to bring upon me. Pray that I would have the courage to walk exposed to God’s holy light and would not love the things of the world but find fulfillment only in him. I must go now because my grandmother is waiting.
In Him,
Hey V. Sorry to hear about your Grandfather brother. You are on my heart and in my prayers. Janel is out in CA visiting right now, and she wanted to say hi, and let you know she is praying for you, and your family also. Be encouraged the Lord knows right where you are at, and understands the loss your feeling. Love you man.
Hey Me and my family will be praying for you OK? I noticed on your profile , it says you were born in 1992? That has to be a mistake right? Other wise you are a little young to be doing all you are doing???