I havent posted in a while. It’s time to update.
Here are some pics from Acquire The Fire
We did have a blessed time at the Acquire The Fire. Even though there were hindrances that came it was a definite learning experience. The youth that you see in the pictures are all ones that the Lord has given me in His mercy (2 Cor. 4:1). Please pray that the Lord would touch each one of them and that He would work through me for a blessing to them. I know He will.
There have been several other things going on that I ask that i ask for your help through prayer in:
~It been in my heart to move. But as of now I’m not totally sure how all of it will work out. I’ve been seeking the Lord in prayer about it and He has confirmed it to be so. I even awoke one morning to hear:
“Now the LORD had said to Abram:
“Get out of your country,
From your family
And from your father’s house,
To a land that I will show you.” – Gen 12:1
as the first thing being read over my alarm clock radio. I’m following.
~There are many things that the Lord has put in my heart for the youth at my church but I know that it won’t be of or through my cleverness and skill that they will be accomplished but only through prayer obedience and the power of God. Only God can change a heart.
~ A Praise report. My mom is going right on with the Lord. When she got out of jail there were some bumps but she has kept looking to Jesus. Pray that she will continue in steadfastness.
I praise God for His awesome mercy. There was a time when I couldn’t see past the darkness and did’t know how or if things would change. But God is ever faithful and relentless in His pursuit of our hearts until there stands no rival in the affections of our heart toward Him. May it be so in my heart.
Praying for you Brother…
Praise God about your mom! That’s so wonderful to hear!
I shall pray for her as well.
Have a blessed weekend,
Hi i recently visited you site ive been praying for your mom ( God instantly delivered me from 23years of drug abuse and a life of crime , 18 of those years shooting heroin and coke from the same needle . Our God is mighty to save ! My prayer for her is simply this ……. SET HER FREE JESUS ! ( he who the Son sets free is free indeed .) And for you my brother God says this ……. “I have seen your brokeness and I love your contrite heart ….I that began a good work in you am faithful to see it through to completion . My son nothing can seperate us . I WILL use you to change and shape your generation ! Only continue to abide in Me… for apart from Me you can do nothing . I even I am the one who gave you the desires that are in your heart . They are my desires . I am pleased with you , continue to love and walk in my ways……. the best is yet to come …….. I AM the God who does exceedingly abundantly over and above anything you can ask or even dream of ….. so continue to call on me and I will show you great and mighty things! IF YOU SEEK ME WITH ALL YOUR HEART ……… YOU’LL FIND ME ! Keep coming says your God ! “
Hello Verious,
Wow, I know we haven´t even talked since HA days but for a couple of days now, I have been wanting to write something to you on your site. It was my plan just to write a quick hello but when I was just about to start writing, I started to feel the burden to pray for you. So I just layed my hands on the computer screen and started praying and the presence of God was so strong upon me while I was praying for you. The impression that I began to receive was that God is drawing you to Him, maybe like never before. Just let youreself be before God because I believe He is wanting to speak something so great to your heart. Don´t be discourage bro because God is with you and is going to place His heart in you. Be blessed my friend
-Todd Peterson
Do what you feel God is calling you to. Don’t worry about the “how” God will take care of that part. Keep faith always. I like that song.