I passed the day today cleaning my room and gave my dog some leftovers out of my refrigerator, he went wonkers.  It has been a good day.  Takin’ it day by day is a thing I must learn.  I know the Lord is teaching me.

Sometimes it seems almost as if my heart wants to reach far into the future.  The possibilities, dreams, hopes, desires.

Hope deferred makes the heart sick…


…when the desire is fulfilled it is a tree of life.


Sometimes it seems as if the desires that the Father has put in our hearts seem so far away.  And folly in our own life seems to put them off further.  There is a need for continual brokenness.  I guess the key to being broken is not so much being but staying. Staying in the place of brokenness is definitely harder but God alone is faithful and will bring it about.  What really matters is the will of God.

Well, tonight is bible study so i must go.

Please pray for me.



  1. SonDancer

    God has been trying to teach me the same things … If only I could learn to listen.
    I keep telling myself that this is the unbeaten Path that we are walking, and it’s not going to be easy. The only hope we is in Jesus and to know that He has and is walking with us through these trials and hardships.

    I will pray for you.

  2. Abel_Justin_Gott

    Hope, desire….His kindness…i remember a time visiting a friend, the tree acros the street has being cut down– or so i thought. Instead it was left as a huge log with a couple of branches sticking out on either side. It was the worst prune job i ever saw…(funny, i was reading John 15 today) But the Lord had given this verse a year and a half later at the same place,and i looked up and remebered that the same tree i was seeing was that terrible hack job earlier– only now it was full and beautiful, so green and healthy….there are times in our lives Jesus purposely doesn’t answer so we might press in to Him, developing grit and trust. He waits to be gracious. Remember the woman Jesus said it wasn’t fit to give the children’s bread to dogs ? He called her a dog, after He ignored her, allowed the disciples tell her to go away, said He was here only for the Jews( she was a gentile ) She never gave up and then, finally Jesus sadi great is thy faith– and her daughter was healed from the demon. She wasn’t even there for herself….how does our prayers and lives fit into that!?

    But still, He is touched with our afflictions’ feelings, and stoops down listening, answering our huble pleas– he gives grace to the humble and broken in heart. It’s a good place to be, dependant on a loving Saviour–our own God who lives for real. What really is our desire ? Ultimately, if we are honest as believers, it’s that Jesus would be our portion and reward. The other things are just pleasantries that He gives as small tokens, gift of His deep love.


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