A few nights ago I had a dream…
….I was in a courtship relationship. The face of the one I was with was undiscernable however we were on a dock over what seemed to be a lake I believe this lake was at the mouth of the sea. Indeed in love.
…there were others there…
…they wanted to take pictures but I told them not to…
…We were about to jump in the water but I didn’t want them to take any pictures…
…We jumped in…. …still no pictures…
I awoke.
But what did the dream mean? After pondering this for a couple of days before the Lord i believe the Lord has unfolded it.
Last sunday I made a public confession of God’s call on my life to preach. I has been nearly five years since God first spoke this into my heart the night Mr. Hasz presented The Plan to the intern body of my year (11/4/01). He (the Lord) specifically impressed upon my heart in a dramatic way that left me on the floor weeping “I have called you to be a Goer, and if a man is called to be a Goer let him not stoop to become a king!” Yet, for so long i had only courted the idea of what God had called me to do. But in my heart I did not want to go all the way with it. Yes, I’ve preached before. Yes, I’ve prayed for others and had many opportunities to minister to others in various ways. God, in His infinite kindness had even given fruit to a point.
Then came the series of events: fires, purgings and chastenings. All the while the Lord had been working on my heart and loosing the vice like grip to which i held so lovingly to life.
Till finally, through all the frustration, humiliation and consternation the Lord’s question came to me once more, “will you surrender?” Oh, thank God I did!
Though i have served and ministered and given of myself still only one thing matters: “Am I in the place where He is.”
“Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain. He who loves his life will lose it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also. If anyone serves Me, him My Father will honor.”-John 12:24-26
Not many days from now I will be getting licensed, something i’ve never highly esteemed yet in order for the Lord to send me to those whom He sends me I must say with the Lord Jesus, “Permit it to be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.â€-Mt. 3:15
Whatever it takes. Please keep me in your prayers…
God Bless
Man its great to hear from you, ha it would be sly if you could make it, hope you are doing well, be easy
Hey bro,
The undiscering face was Jesus and you are about to enter a depth of the spirit that you have never reached before (water- the spirit). Get ready, press in, and receive what the Lord is doing and where he is going to bring you. Remember, fish are caught in the water- fresh and salt- all kinds of people so missions will probably be envolved. Have a great day!
I will definitely be keeping you in my prayers.
Thanks for the comment …
V~ I miss you so so so much… I think of you often! You taught me so much, and I cherish the time we had together!
Wow. What a blessing of grace to have recieved the dream, but even more to have been able to interpret it. Thank you for sharing. May the Lord Jesus strengthen you with all might on the inside to fulfill all that He is calling you to. And, yes that is Loren.