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Brothers and Sisters please pray!

Teketria S. Buggs (nickname: Teeky-Bug) is 12-years-old, black female, 4’10", 95 lbs, black hair, brown eyes, light brown skin color.

She was last seen on December 2, 2005 in her home sleeping on the couch around 11:00 p.m. It is normal for her to sleep on the couch and in her daily clothing.

She was last seen wearing a red and white long sleeved pull over shirt, blue jeans, and white tennis shoes.

Amber Alert is issued for Orchard girl

Copyright 2005 Houston Chronicle

An Amber Alert was issued Sunday night for Teketria S. Buggs, 12, missing since about 11 p.m. Friday in her home in the 9900 block of Johnson Road in the rural area of Orchard.

She is black with black hair, brown eyes and light-brown skin, stands 4-foot-10 and weighs 95 pounds. She was last seen wearing a red-and-white, long-sleeved pullover, blue jeans and white tennis shoes.

“At this point, there’s no indication of foul play, but there’s also not an indication that she ran away,” said Terriann Carlson, Fort Bend County Sheriff’s Department spokeswoman. Anyone with information is urged to call 281-341-4665.


What Has Happened So Far

Saturday morning we awoke and my niece had disappeared. If you have been watching the news you may have seen the Amber alert issued for her. This has been a very rough time for all of our family but we are believing that NO MATTER WHAT GOD IS IN CONTROL! When the Lord woke me up on Friday morning (the day before all of this had come about) He put this scripture in my heart:

“For thus says the Lord of hosts: Yet once more, in a little while, I will shake and make tremble the [starry] heavens, the earth, the sea, and the dry land;”-Hag. 2:6

And all day Friday (the day before my niece came up missing) I sang this chorus:

You will shake the Heavens, As You shake the earth
When the fires fall by Your grace I’ll stand
I’ll join with the angels as the elders fall, we all cry Holy.

I had the distinct awareness that there was indeed a shaking and fire coming but in no way did I expect what has come about. Please pray. At this moment there has been many tears and uncertainty. But by God’s grace we stand and believe in His mercy over this situation. On Sunday night her mom came out (she, my niece, was staying next door at my grandmothers house) to our house and a lot more of the family. There was a lot praying and grieving but in the midst of it God gave this scripture of encouragement:

“Am I a God at hand, says the Lord, and not a God afar off? Can anyone hide himself in secret places so that I cannot see him? says the Lord. Do not I fill heaven and earth? says the Lord.”-Jer. 23:23-24

And thus came the assurance of all of the details of what happened to my niece being revealed. No one can hide from God. And yet all of this has remained to us a profound mystery. The Lord knows where she is and we have been praying that he would reveal where she is and that in His mercy she would be safe.

Please pray that there would be a quick resolution in this situation and that God would bring to light where my niece is. Please also pray that I’d be continually aware of what God wants me to say during these intense moments of testing. And that I would not miss the mark but speak His words faithfully and be sensitive to His Spirit so that I’d pray effectively.

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