Where, oh where were all of my alumni friends this weekend?

I missed you all.


This weekend was definitely a blessing. I had opportunity to catch up with old friends and meet some new. Although I didn’t get to see all of the people I was expecting to see I did get to catch up with a few cherished ones.

It was truly a blessing I don’t want to take for granted. Thank You Lord.

For those who didn’t get to make it (mobsters, L.I.K., Covenant, all of my dorm homies and those other special people who were dear to my heart and made my intern year beautiful): Know that you were missed and not forgotten. I’m hoping in the Lord to see all of you next year.

“…it is God Who confirms and makes us steadfast and establishes us [in joint fellowship] with you in Christ, and has consecrated and anointed us [enduing us with the gifts of the Holy Spirit];”-II Cor. 1:21

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  1. untraveledroad

    It was defeintely great to see you too. but i meant what i said before. we should hook up sometime? I am off on Saturdays and Sundays?  So we can make somethings happen, I am not to sure where orchard is though?


  2. RandyOlsson

    My dear Barbarian Brother,

    It was great to see you as well. You are a man of God with world shaking potential. I thank God for the fellowship he has given us and look forward to seeing what the future holds.

    ps. Thank you for the help with the song.



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