So the last post was a bunch of scriptures that the Lord had been impressing in my spirit that day.  Thank You Lord for Your loving rebukes.  Need I say more?

     Right now I’m at the I-cafe in Katy, TX (revisiting old stomping grounds so to speak). Just wanted to post and drop a couple of brief thoughts.

New things. Pray with me.

     For those of you who may have read my post a couple of days ago.  I posted how God put a swahili word in my dream.   Furthermore, this week at work there were two customers who came to my register who’s names were Kenya.  It turns out that swahili is the Lingua Franca [primary language] of Kenya.  Coincidence?  I think not!  I am praying for direction in this area please pray with me.  I know the frustration of jumping ahead of God and know I need definite direction.  I appreciate all of your prayers.

Alumni Weekend

     I know anticipation is building in the hearts of many as it is in mine.  If the Lord says the same I will be there.  I am excited and ready to see so many old familiar faces.  There is a bittersweet mixture of joy within in these moments.  On one hand the anticipation and enjoyment of many forgotten memories, but on the other hand the pain of having to part once more.

It’s time to open up and drink deeply of love though it may hurt, it all it’s worth.

It’s gonna be a weekend of edification.  Hallelujah!  One day we’ll all be forever together with our King to love Him together forever!

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  2. DyingEast

    Your so cool man. Thanks for establishing contact with me again through xanga. Hopefully I’ll see you this weekend. I live in Tyler. Kenya man…that would be awesome. If you need contacts in Kenya, I could probably hook you up with some churches you could hook up with in Kenya. If you see me this weekend, ask me about my church. Are you living in houston? Going to school?


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