Hey all, 

     I just got off of work in Houston at six and now I’m at the I – Cafe in Katy about to head to men’s bible study then, after that, home.  Things in my life have been …ok… I know that every new day that I do awake is a real blessing from God and the day that He has made so the only choice to make is to rejoice in Him knowing that He is working all things together for His purpose and glory and my good.  Sometimes its hard to believe and fully trust that He is but the fact remains that He is and does work all things together for my good.  All things.

…my hurts…

     …my failures…

          …my questionings…

And if there be anything else that seems to be out of the realm of my Fathers control, I know that I can rest and trust that He is in control indeed.  If you by chance read this, i ask that you know that it was not by chance and lift me up in prayer to the Father.  He is greater than all.  I’m in desperate need of your prayers.  God bless you.

Love in Him,



  1. wildandfree

    preach it, brotha!

    nice new pic.

    trusting and trusting some more,


  2. jongabel

    V what’s up man?? it’s been forever man!! glad to ready that your doing well.


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