It’s Been A While

Hey everyone,

It’s been so long since i’ve updated. Well, here is another one. School has been moving on and on and on…. Last thursday I went to a portfolio review for the upcoming senior class and was definitely encouraged that when It comes time for my portfolio review i had better be ready. So much has been going on since the last time i updated. Some crazy things but I am glad for the grace and kindness of God. I got my phone stolen twice so if I once had your number (or never had it) you can email it to me at [email protected] please do so.

I am thankful that this is my senior year in college and soon the bustle and busyness of this season will be over. Only the Lord knows what the future holds. I look to Him. Pray for me. Updating on xanga always seems awkward I guess Its because of the many conflicts that go into it, on the one hand you don’t know what to say or how to put it. You desire to be authentic but fear always sort of gets its stinking toe in the door. Just goes to show that love has not been perfected in this life. Perfect love casts out all fear. This said, I just wanted to stop by and drop a line for all of my xanga family in Christ (for those of you who venture to read this).

May the Lord bless,

Verious B. Smith III

P.S. As promised I would like to give a shout out to CxAxRxE who I talked to not so long ago.


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