Life Blossoms

Some things of this season.

I am still working with the youth and children in my church. The Lord has blessed me to be able to minister to these precious ones each week. I thank God for them and pray that God would open each of their eyes to the depths of His Love for them.

There have also been other precious lives that the Lord has entrusted me to share His Life with and I praise God for them also. Some of these would include my immediate family (my mom, her fiancé, my grandmother, my sister and my great aunt), one of my previous managers who gave her life to the Lord after I had worked with her and who I still talk to on an on-going basis and pray with, my current co-workers and anyone whom the Lord will send

~On Another Note~

Next week will be the conclusion of classes for this semester. It’s very possible that I’ve made all A’s bless God. With the exception of one class which still hangs in the balance of a high B. I’ll soon find out.

I know that it has only been by the grace and mercy of our Lord. He has enabled me. I know that had it not been for His loving discipline in my life and those “goads and thorns” that He sent into my life I would have probably settled for far less as I have done in previous semesters. I actually took the final of my final exams today (this is the class that hangs in the balance).

Next semester’s classes: (1) Typography (2) Psychology & (3) Research & Organization Methods. Pray for me! Phil 4:13 ; ).

~Final Impressions~

“I have no home, until I am in the realized presence of God. This holy presence is my inward home, and, until I experience it, I am a homeless wonderer, a straying sheep in waste howling wilderness.” ~ Anonymous

Until we come to rest in His Presence alone then we will never find the things we so earnestly seek to appropriate. In attempting to make this journey a priority of life I have found some terrible foes. Most of which reside within. After so much of my own trying I have found that the only resolution is to trust Him and His strength or be devoured. And oh, what a vast difference there is between trying and trusting! I’ve found that I even have to trust Him to deliver me from trying to trust. In the final analysis I’m so glad that the victory has already been won.

Yesterday was June 19th, a day commonly referred to in my culture as the day we were liberated from slavery. My freedom was brought 2000 years ago on a rugged roman cross!

I pray and trust that you all are being blessed by God.


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