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Here’s an update on the apartment situation. I have a friend who is a part of an organization called Apartment Life. This is basically a ministry to apartments. What they do is genius because they have found a way to get people in the secular realm to finance the Kingdom of God (God Idea Right?!). If any of you are interested in this type of ministry the website is HERE. Anyway, the basic thing they do is this: They provide the apartment while any believer with a heart provides the ministry. Awesome huh? All I would have to cover is the utilities and a monthly donation of $250 to the Cares (apartmentlife) Ministry. Only thing is this, the ministry would be overbearing for me if I did not have a roomate. This was my dilemma. The Lord put on my heart one of my roomates from Bible College and although I was doubting that he would want to do this when I called him he told me that the Lord had been speaking to him recently about the very thing I was asking him about. So praise God I’ve got a roomate! I know that the Lord is going to bless the ministry.

I do thank every one of you for your prayer and am soliciting even more. I am believing God for souls to be added to the Kingdom. Even though He gave me an opportunity to lead someone to Him about 2 weeks ago, my soul has been hungering for more. One soul per year just won’t do. Send them Jesus!

Becoming more and more cognizant of another Heart and Life.

It’s truly an amazing thing… That God would reveal Christ in the midst of a pile of weakness. The lower I go, the more of His heart I’m aware of. Discouragement blinds the eyes to this treasure. It’s a joy to know that it’s not a result of my efforts but of yielding. Life flows spontaneously and is not conjured up. It’s a very precious thing. Even when in the midst my self -condemnation the Lord holds me. He sees the holy discontent with things the way they are. My heart sings,”I am so tired, of compromising. I am so tired of luke warm living. So, here i am, my heart wide open. Lord here i stand with arms wide open. Set me on fire. Set me on fire. Set me on fire. Set me on fire.” Yet even as this song plays in my heart I am aware of His heart calming me and saying, “Not by might, nor by power but by My Spirit saith the Lord.” It’s gotta be by Me. It gotta be about Me. Rest in my Love. I am able to accomplish in you what is pleasing.

So, here I am Lord. My eyes are upon You, deal with me according to Your Heart.

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