My Trip to and Back from Oklahoma

I recently went to oklahoma. Something that had been brewing in the heart of my homey Mark and myself since bible school. Transportation was no problem because his mom had some free roundtrip tickets which made it possible for me to be there and back with ease.

Let me simply put it that the trip was a total blessing. I got to spend lots of quality time with my friend Mark and met new friends also. We spent lots of time in fellowship, the word & worship. I was even given an opportunity to rap and give my testimony at his youth group. I took it.

I am so thankful that the Lord is sovereign over our lives and ordains good things like this for His children to enjoy.

Christmas was a blessing. My mom is now out of jail oand God has worked some very beautiful thngs in her heart by which I have been greatly encouraged. She has told me some of the dreams the Lord has put into her heart to see other women brought out of the lifestyle she was in. Praise Adonai!

“God makes everything happen at the right time. Yet none of us can ever fully understand all he has done, and he puts questions in our minds about the past and the future.” -Eccl. 3:11 (CEV)

I’ve been dreamin’ with the Lord and God has been stirring my heart in regards to the youth in my church and region.

He’s instructed me to dream big so that is what I plan on doing.

God has put me in the place that I am in that I might effectively love the youth of my entire region.

I am expectant.

Ready to see what God has been waiting on!

1 Comment

  1. tommyalbrado

    Hey man! good stuff. This year you won’t have to be expectant any longer bc it will come to pass. God will answer the prayers of a righteous man and that you are. You get ready to receive and co-labor with Him. Time for dreams to come to reality. cya


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