Our God!

“For God in all his fullness was pleased to live in Christ, and by him God reconciled everything to himself. He made peace with everything in heaven and on earth by means of his blood on the cross. This includes you who were once so far away from God. You were his enemies, separated from him by your evil thoughts and actions,…”- Col. 1:19-21

Oh, what Love! The riches of God’s mercy have been poured out to us lavishly through the blood of His cross. It’s an awesome fact.

Through seeming tragedy God remains triumphant. Hallelujah!

I got a letter.

My cousin wrote me (the stepfather of my niece Te-Ketria). He wrote and first of all apologized for all that occurred. He told of the regret of killing Teketria. He then commenced to open up to me all that had happened since he had confessed.

In his own words:

“…I hate it because I see it every night. My heart hurts. I don’t know what to do sometimes. Just pray and if you find time please write me with the words I need to hear. I’m in my bible like crazy now and man I see things a whole lot different now. I’ve got a brother in Christ in here, he’s 1 cell down and we talk alot. We read our bibles and pray. Things are looking good. If only I had listen[ed] to you a long time ago up until now. Your door was always open, but I never knocked. Now I know I can’t do anything by myself. We all need God. And since I’ve been in here, I’ve been a witness of His works. Ask and you shall receive, yea, man. Now I’m asking you for some scriptures for me and I’ll share them with him (I believe he may be speaking of the brother in Christ he referred to)…

…I’m sorry again and I would understand if no on would want to see or hear me out. I’ve asked God time and time again, please Lord let my family forgive me. I’m sorry ya’ll, I’m sorry! I see this is a test for me, but God said my reward is coming, just hold on. Tell the kids I love them [.] I don’t know what, how are [or], where to start with them are [or] even if any of them want to talk to me anymore. Well I gotta go. I love ya’ll kiss Stefan, peaches, zion, kevon and goldie and mama for me please, and tell them I love them. Ask Janus and Karen, Joyce and Reggie to please write. I need all ya’ll now. Without God I would –b- lost. He said hold on son just hold on. Pookie, I took my baby, teeky from everybody [.] I can’t sleep. All I see is me and the kids playing are [or] you got them out side playing that hiding game. She gone Pook, man, she gone.
I love you my brother!

The first time I read this letter I prayed before I read it asking the Lord to help me bear whatever I may be about to read and after I finished it I rejoiced exceedingly because of what He had done. The second time I read it, I wept, because in the eyes of God Steve is so precious. The blood of Jesus cleanses every sin!

That’s what’s so amazing!

I praise the Father that He does afford us opportunities to repent and it is evident that this is what the Lord has done for Steve. I can remember pulling my same cousin (Steve) down off of a makeshift noose that he had created for himself and hung upon. And He would have died in his sins that day had God not cared so greatly for him.

Yes, our God is indeed worthy of not only praise but love. Oh, to see His great love makes one love Him all the more. May it be so in me and in us all.

“For this God is our God forever and ever; He will be our guide [even] until death.”-Ps. 48:14

1 Comment

  1. payounger

    Wow, that’s incredible. I know that it’s still a very hard time I’m sure for you and your family.

    I wanted to tell you thank you for your prayers and that I’m about to update on my grandma’s condition on my site. Thank you again Verious(spellcheck). Love ya man.


    P.S. I’m prayin’ for you and your family.


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