Lately, I've had the urge to write. Writing helps me process events that have passed. Writing is the outlet that I find allows me most to express my disparate thoughts. I have for too long forsaken this beneficial task which was once a habit. This...
Still I Write
Lately, I've had the urge to write. Writing helps me process events that have passed. Writing is the outlet that I find allows me most to express my disparate thoughts. I have for too long...
It matters little if you believe in me, more that i believe in me and most that God believes in me. #thinkabouit #ThoughtOfTheDay
It matters little if you believe in me, more that i believe in me and most that God believes in me. #thinkabouit #ThoughtOfTheDay
Delicious and nutritious. @questnutrition Cookies and Cream protein bars.
Delicious and nutritious. @questnutrition Cookies and Cream protein bars.
Always lead to new growth. Never avoid them.#ThoughtOfTheDay
Always lead to new growth. Never avoid them.#ThoughtOfTheDay
Sudden good breaks are the very thing God is an expert at… #GoodnessAndMercyFollowsMe
Sudden good breaks are the very thing God is an expert at... #GoodnessAndMercyFollowsMe
You can never acquire what you can't see clearly.#PonderThis #ThoughtOfTheDay
You can never acquire what you can't see clearly.#PonderThis #ThoughtOfTheDay
This title from the Harvard Business Review sums up the need when it comes to succeeding with Virtual Teams.#entrepreneurship #business #strategy
This title from the Harvard Business Review sums up the need when it comes to succeeding with Virtual Teams.#entrepreneurship #business #strategy