Update On Life

I said i was going to update a while back but i finally made it.

Life continues to move on. The Lord has been especially kind. It has been His mercy that has been upholding me. I am still in school at this moment. This simester I am taking a web design class (which is exciting to me), my other two classes are compository writing and sociology. it was kind of hard for me to remember those other two classes but i got em’ out. Thank You Lord.

Please pray for my sociology teacher, we have had 3 classes and 2 of them he has not shown up to. So i don’t know what’s going on. the Lord knows. I do appreciate you guys’ continued prayers for me, as many times as you do remember me please pray for me as I will for you.

The Lord has been continually opening my eyes to the broken areas of my life but also pouring out His Love and binding up every wound. The process has been one of continual yielding to His will and letting go of my own. That process is not always easy and has most definitely been painful at times (to the flesh) But God has been with me and has been giving me increasing levels of Victory.

Please pray for my mom (Joyce Smith) who is in jail, for a long time she was here close to home but they recently transported her to a jail near Dallas. My grandmother is doing so much better, the Lord has blessed her with a new car. For so long she did not have transportation and I was the only way she had to get around. But i thank the Lord that she now has a vehicle.

This January the Lord has blessed me to be able to get all of our youth together from the church and take them to the ATF in Houston. This is also something i am praying for the Lords direction and grace over. The coordination, funds, and volunteers are all necessities that I have been seeking the Lord on. Please pray for this also. That the Lord would use this event to truly capture the hearts of our youth.

There are so many other thing that I would like to share but as of this moment its probably not expedient. I must go however, Lord willing, we’ll talk again.

God Bless



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