Who you believe yourself to be and what you believe yourself able to accomplish is far more important than what any other human being believes about you. Your thoughts about yourself true or false will eventually blossom into actions. So, who and what do you believe yourself to be? Are you a bad person? Unimportant? A failure or one who will always struggle? What does God say about you and believe about you as a loving heavenly father.I challenge you to challenge all previous assumptions and supposed confirmations about yourself that are negative and failure oriented and get a new vision of you. One based on optimistic possibilities.What you see you will act out.#PonderThis #changeyourperspective #WhoAreYouReally #getanewvision

Who you believe yourself to be and what you believe yourself able to accomplish is far more important than what any other human being believes about you.  Your thoughts about yourself true or false will eventually blossom into actions. So, who and what do you believe yourself to be?  Are you a bad person? Unimportant? A failure or one who will always struggle? What does God say about you and believe about you as a loving heavenly father.I challenge you to challenge all previous assumptions and supposed confirmations about yourself that are negative and failure oriented and get a new vision of you.  One based on optimistic possibilities.What you see you will act out.#PonderThis #changeyourperspective #WhoAreYouReally #getanewvision
Who you believe yourself to be and what you believe yourself able to accomplish is far more important than what any other human being believes about you. Your thoughts about yourself true or false will eventually blossom into actions. So, who and what do you believe yourself to be? Are you a bad person? Unimportant? A failure or one who will always struggle? What does God say about you and believe about you as a loving heavenly father.I challenge you to challenge all previous assumptions and supposed confirmations about yourself that are negative and failure oriented and get a new vision of you. One based on optimistic possibilities.What you see you will act out.#PonderThis #changeyourperspective #WhoAreYouReally #getanewvision


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